Spider monkeys weigh about 6 kg (13.2 pounds) and are 35–66 cm (14–26 inches) long, excluding the heavily furred tail, which is longer than the body. The coat, of variable length and fineness, ranges among the several species from gray to reddish, dark brown, or black. Most have a black face with white eye rings, but some have a flesh-coloured face. Spider monkeys live in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America and occur as far north as Mexico. The monkeys live in bands numbering up to 35 animals but forage in smaller groups, roaming the highest branches during the day. They feed most intensively early in the day, relishing fruit supplemented by nuts , seeds, buds, flowers , and leaves as well as spiders and bird eggs . They do not normally descend from the trees. They will leap or drop spread-eagled from one tree to another. Spider monkeys are dextrous with their tail as well as their ha...