It is hope that keeps us all alive. It is hope that makes you wake up every morning and gives life another push. Though your job applications have been rejected time and again, it is hope that makes you submit it; time and again. Although he’s already three years old, he’s yet to utter his first word, he still can not stand on his feet. It is hope that makes that mother wake her child up every morning, wash his body, clean his teeth, oil his hair and wear him some beautiful pair of new clothes. It is Hope that makes her smile at him and waits patiently for his first word. It is only in hope that a student would find the courage to write an exam over and over again, hoping someday he’ll tell his story of how many times he had to try to succeed. You see, it is hope that keeps us all alive. It is hope that makes that beautiful young lady swallow her pride and ego to make that call that is going to change everything in her life. Because she knows the truth; he is the tr...