It is hope that keeps us all alive. It is hope that makes you wake up every morning and gives life another push. Though your job applications have been rejected time and again, it is hope that makes you submit it; time and again. Although he’s already three years old, he’s yet to utter his first word, he still can not stand on his feet. It is hope that makes that mother wake her child up every morning, wash his body, clean his teeth, oil his hair and wear him some beautiful pair of new clothes. It is Hope that makes her smile at
him and waits patiently for his first word. It is only in hope that a student would find the
courage to write an exam over and over again, hoping someday he’ll tell his story of how many
times he had to try to succeed. You see, it is hope that keeps us all alive. It is hope that makes that beautiful young lady swallow her pride and ego to make that call that is going to change everything in her life. Because she knows the truth; he is the truth. He’s all she needs.
It is hope that makes a mother conceive one more time even though the pangs of childbirth had made her sworn never to do it again after she had her second child. But she smiles ‘cause she’s hopeful;
she’s having number 5 in a couple of days.
After all, it is hope that keeps us all alive. He’s a humble son, adorable and hardworking, the
type every father prays for. But his father’s a
chronic drunk. He never appreciates anything he
does for him. He never shows up for PTA meetings and forgets always to pick him up from school. In their neighborhood, he’s a disgrace. But it is hope
that makes this humble son clean him up after a
daily drinking routine and never stops to call him
father; a title he doesn’t deserve.
It is hope that makes that preacher tells that barren
woman; after 20 years of trying, that she’ll conceive, someday. It is hope that makes her believe the preacher.
It is hope that made Noah to write one letter every single day for 365 days to Allie Hamilton
Hope it is, that makes us breathe. Hope it is, that makes us love. It is only hope that would make a believer of God, climb upon a mountain when everyone else is asleep, to talk to God, to tell Him what He already knows. He suffers from his oppressors, he’s weak
and poor, they are rich and powerful. He’s been
condemned and rejected. So he screams on top of
his voice as he prays and reports his oppressors
to God. So how fair would it be, if God didn’t show
up? You see, it is hope that puts life into perspective!
#God is ever Faithful; Be still. #remember me #be above limitations #keep these words alive.... They are from above & beyond #Good Morning Family #Greatness Beacons..... Take it.


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