Rule Of Time!

Time management is the art of organizing, scheduling, and budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating effective work and productivity.

Four Rules Of Time:
Time Is Perishable. Time cannot be saved it can only be spent because time is perishable. We must learn how to spend time reprioritizing or moving completely away from activities of low value to high value tasks because once time is spent, it is gone forever
Time Is Indispensable. All activities of life require certain amount of time whether you take cognizance of it or not. Be committed to the established 10/90 rules, which suggest that you spend 10% of your time to plan carefully in advance so you can save 90% of the efforts you need to achieve your desired goals. The act of thinking through and planning your work in advance will dramatically help you to manage your tasks effectively.
Time Is Irreplaceable. Time is the only currency that sustains everything in your relationships whether you are dealing with members of your family, friends, colleagues or customers. Truly effective people consider creating block time they can spend on things that matter without interruptions.
Time Is Essential For Accomplishment. Every goal to be accomplished requires time. One of the smartest things to do when you set a goal is to estimate and allocate the time you will invest to achieve that goal. Failure to do this can leave an unaccomplished goal at the mercy of procrastination.
Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars may have placed their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is equally crucial for students, teachers, factory workers and homemakers. 

HAPPY NEW MONTH & Spend your time wisely this week. 


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