Ways To Make a Great First Impression

Genuine smiles are a winning ticket for creating a great first impression, as is a firm handshake and purposeful eye contact.

It has often been said that, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Whether you are networking, interviewing for a job or meeting new colleagues for the first time,  when you meet someone for the first time, they are taking a rapid inventory of your gait, your smile, your handshake, and how you present yourself. As you are making your approach, they are also deciding if they can trust you, if you are genuinely nice, if they want to know and work with you, so many questions are answered in those first few critical seconds based on what they see, and how you make them feel.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind which will make a good first impression.

1. Be mindful of how you appear to others

From head to toe, you want to be sure that you are portraying the image that presents you in the best possible light. Prepare yourself well ahead of time and put your best self forward–clothing, hair, accessories. This will make you feel your best and ultimately leave a great first impression.

2. Be on time

Nothing shoots you down faster than being late for an initial appointment or meeting, even just a minute or two. Always give yourself more than enough time, allowing for traffic delays or parking hassle. Always be on time.

3. Watch the body language

Your body language silently speaks volumes. Studies have proven that it has four times more influence on first impressions than anything you actually say. Genuine smiles are a winning ticket for creating a great first impression, as is a firm handshake and purposeful eye contact. Stand tall and be proud of who you are.

4. Turn off your cell phone

Nothing kills a great first impression faster than someone’s cell phone making constant vibration or sounds. Turn it off. And don’t even think about responding to a text message or answering your phone if it rings.

5. Begin the conversation

You can put yourself and others at ease and guarantee a great first impression by engaging in a bit of small talk to loosen things up. Prepare ahead of time and learn something about the individual you are meeting or about the company they represent and then begin the conversation with one thing you have learned. Or simply begin by asking them, “How has your day been going?” And remember to smile.

6. Pay attention

You create a great first impression when the person you are meeting feels listened to and is made to feel that he or she has a captive and interested audience. Lean into the conversation, body language again, to communicate that you are really listening and interested.

7. Take notes throughout the discussion.

A person who doesn’t take notes is simply not interested or engaged enough to be taken seriously.

8. Don’t forget your manners

When people use “Please,” “Thank you,” or “Please, you go first” immediately  this is a sign of a good person that can be trusted. Good manners and being humble always leave a great first impression.

9. Just relax and be yourself

Remember that most people are just as uncomfortable or anxious as you are during a first meeting. Tell yourself that you are good enough and see what you can do to make the other person more comfortable, if they are comfortable, you will be more comfortable. So take a few deep breaths, relax, and go be your fabulous self.

Here are some things NOT to do, when trying to make a positive first impression.

Do not:

Take advantage of the other person’s generosity or time.
Arrive unprepared to talk intelligently about the employer and the company.

Dress inappropriately for the meeting or interview.
Focus only on your own needs (instead you should focus on the company’s problems and challenges).

Fail to make a connection between your past experiences and the prospective employer’s needs and challenges.

And Lastly; do not Forget to follow-up


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