Oscar Pistorius Receives First Family Visit In Prison

Just convicted paralympics runner Oscar Pistorius is
already receiving visitors in his Kgosi Mampuru II
prison in Pretoria as his father, Henke, was
reportedly one of the first visitors to visit his him on
Saturday, October 25, 2014.

According to reports, Henke Pistorius parked his
silver Toyota Prado under a tree in the prison’s
parking lot, near the main entrance, for some time
before the visitor’s centre opened. He was spotted
with a DVD case in his hand while he stood and
waited outside his car.

Henke’s daughter and Oscar’s sister, Aimee
Pistorius, also arrived at the prison about an hour
later with her uncle, Arnold, in his white Mercedes-
Benz, Sport24 reported .

Henke was later sighted at the entrance to the
centre speaking to a warder, while his daughter
hugged him in greeting and they walked in together.
Reports also claim that both father and daughter
came out while later as they walk back to Arnold’s
car, and was spotted return with five bags.

Some couple of minutes later, Oscar’s brother Carl
arrived with an unidentified female relative who also
was carrying a shopping bag.

Oscar has been placed in a single cell in the Kgosi
Mampuru II prison. The Area commissioner of the
prison, Zebulon Monama, said that this was the
case with many other prisoners whom the
department of correctional services believed needed

According to the judge, for the first six months of
Oscar’s term in jail, he shall only entertain four
visits a month of 45 minutes each over weekends,
which would take place behind a thick glass
partition before he would eventually qualify for
contact visits, the report added.


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