7 Tips For Getting Ahead At Work.

Do you pile up excuses about why you're not as
successful a business owner as you want to be?
Could be that you're getting in your own way.
It's not always obvious, but sometimes we tend
to keep ourselves from being productive simply
by not holding ourselves accountable for our
actions. Here are a couple tips that will help you
move towards greater success.

Tip 1: Stay on top of your to-dos.

There's absolutely no reason why any task
should fall through the cracks in this modern
age of digital calendars and smartphones. Yet
many of us miss deadlines or opportunities.
Here's my advice: the second you discover a
task you need to take care of — even if it's just
following up on an email you sent — make a
note on your digital calendar. Set it as an alarm
and forget about it…until your calendar reminds

Tip 2: Keep your business compliant.

If you're running a corporation or LLC, there is
paperwork you need to file annually to remain
compliant and legal in the eyes of your
Secretary of State. Typically, you're sent a
reminder about filing your annual report or
meeting minutes, but in the event that you move
your business to a new location, you can't rely
on the mail service to find you in time. You can
set reminders on your calendar or use
a service that will automatically remind you
when a legal document needs to be filed.
This is something to keep in mind now, because
the end of the year is rapidly approaching. If
your business runs on a calendar year, it's time
to make sure those documents are filled out and
filed today.

Tip 3: Delegate.

You don't have to be responsible for every
action in your business, but you have to be
willing to hand over some of the work on your
desk to other team members. Decide what is
absolutely imperative for you to do, like
business strategy, and hand other tasks to
someone more qualified to take them on. Set
deadlines and stay in touch to ensure those
tasks get done successfully.

Tip 4: Stop putting off starting that business.

If you haven't started the business you've
always wanted, it's time to stop dreaming and
start doing. Nothing happens without work and
planning, so start building a plan to launch
your new business in the New Year. Make a list
of everything you need to do to start a business ,
make sure you've got funds enough to do so, and
then build out your timeline.

Tip 5: Set goals and work towards them.

One area entrepreneurs tend to shy away from
accountability in is setting goals. Sure, you want
your business to grow. But if you haven't
defined how you want it to grow, you can't get
upset if it doesn't meet your expectations.
When you set goals, be super-specific: How
much do you want to increase sales? What
revenue number will you aim for next year?
Then, detail out how you will achieve those
goals. Who needs to be involved? What steps do
you need to take to accomplish them? The more
you plan out your goals and steps to reaching
them, the more you will actually succeed.

Tip 6: Deal with not getting what you want.

Are you frustrated that things didn't go your
way with a business deal? Rather than stomping
your foot and taking a negative attitude about
it, change your mindset. Look for that silver
lining and find a way to be okay with the
results. You won't always have things go your
way, and in these cases, all you can do is change
how you react.

Tip 7: Ask for what you want.

If you're not crystal clear about setting
intentions, you can't get upset with anyone but
yourself if you don't get the results you want. It
takes a bit of confidence building, especially if
you're not assertive right now. But as soon as
you start to vocalize your desires, you'll start to
see dramatic results. That, in turn, will propel
you and your business forward.

Ultimately, you are the one responsible for the
success of your business. So before you tell
yourself that you can't improve, start taking
responsibility for your actions and move
towards making positive changes.


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