Hong Kong students fine-tune plan to take democracy call to Beijing

Students calling for full democracy for Chinese-ruled Hong Kong are hoping to take their protest to Communist Party rulers in Beijing and are expected to announce details of their new battle plan on Thursday.

The plan signals a shift in the focus of the protests in the
former British colony away from the Hong Kong government
which has said it has limited room for maneuver.
But China is highly unlikely to allow any known pro-
democracy activists into Beijing, especially if the trip coincides
with this weekend's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) forum there.

"I think one of the ways we can solve this problem is to go to
Beijing personally and have a direct dialogue with Beijing
officials on this matter since the (Hong Kong) government
claims that all decisions have to be passed up to the NPC,"
Alex Chow, leader of the Hong Kong Federation of Students
(HKFS), said last week, referring to China's parliament, the
National People's Congress.

The protesters blocked key roads leading into three of Hong
Kong's most economically and politically important districts
for weeks. The campaign drew well over 100,000 at its peak
and hundreds remain camped out at the main protest site in
the Admiralty district, home to government offices and next to
the main financial district.

The HKFS has not said whether its planned trip was to
coincide with APEC, which would mean, if allowed, it would
take place in front of an audience of world leaders.
Another student leader, Nathan Law, said details would be
revealed on Thursday.

Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying signaled on Tuesday that
a much-anticipated plan to link the Shanghai and Hong Kong
stock markets had been delayed as a result of the protests
and urged society to pull together to restore order in the city


China has ruled Hong Kong since 1997 through a "one
country, two systems" formula which allows wide-ranging
autonomy and freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland.
The protesters are demanding fully-democratic elections for
the city's next chief executive in 2017, not the vote between
pre-screened candidates that Beijing has said it will allow.
A survey by Hong Kong University's Public Opinion Program
on Tuesday showed that the HKFS has become the most
popular political group in the city.

On Wednesday, Regina Ip, a former Hong Kong security chief
and a top adviser to the city's embattled leader proposed
HKFS be given seats on the committee that nominates
candidates for chief executive, broadcaster RTHK reported.
Ip said the committee should include young people and
women and could cut back on agriculture and fisheries
representatives, according to the report.

Pro-Beijing groups have increasingly criticized the impact the
protests are having on business. Data on business conditions
in the city's private sector economy released in the HSBC
Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) show the strongest pace of
deterioration in October in three years.

The chairman of the pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance for the
Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, Tam Yiu-chung, said
on Tuesday he would help convey the students' message to
Beijing if they stopped occupying main roads, RTHK reported.
Tam was also quoted as saying a trip by the students to
Beijing during the APEC meeting would not be successful.


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